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Alaska Power of Attorney

What is an Alaska Power of Attorney?

Our clients make a variety of decisions every day. Signing a document called a Power of Attorney gives another person the right to make decisions on your behalf and gives that person, your agent, the authority to carry those decisions out.  

Who Can Be My Power of Attorney in Alaska

Our clients are able to name any highly trusted person as their agent for the purpose of executing a Power of Attorney.  The authority granted by the principal in a Power of Attorney can have profound impact on the life of the principal, from their finances to their personal relationships. For instance, a Power of Attorney can be granted powers to sell the principal's house or withdraw money from their bank accounts.

It is also extremely important that the agent named in a Power of Attorney understands what the principal's wishes actually are.  We recommend that our clients speak directly with their agent about their wishes.  However, as long as the principal remains mentally competent, the principal retains the right to revoke a Power of Attorney.

What is a Durable Power of Attorney in Alaska?

If one of our clients chooses to make their Power of Attorney effective immediately, they can also elect to make the Power of Attorney “durable.” A durable power of attorney remains effective in the event that the principal becomes incapacitated. If our client wants the agent to continue to have authority under such circumstances, we recommend executing a durable power of attorney. 

Can I Revoke My Alaska Power of Attorney?

Our clients may revoke their Power of Attorney for any reason, at any time, so long as they remain mentally competent.  It's important to speak with an attorney about how to ensure the revocation of a prior estate planning document like a Power of Attorney.

What If a Third Party Disregards My Power of Attorney?

Our clients frequently include clauses in their Power of Attorney describing the possible legal consequences to third parties if they fail to honor a validly executed Power of Attorney. It's important to have an attorney draft this language to ensure that the consequences are accurately described.

Power of Attorney, Guardian, or Conservator?

There are circumstances in which a guardian or conservator will need to be appointed for the principal even after they complete a Power of Attorney.  However, a Power of Attorney can identify the person our client wishes to appoint as guardian or conservator.  Our attorneys can help explain these different roles and help you ensure your legal and financial wishes are respected. 

Contact Shortell Law LLC

To discuss your estate planning needs, contact Shortell Law LLC by completing the following contact form or by calling (907)272-8181.

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